Savage Hero

Kichiku Eiyuu  (鬼畜英雄, Savage Hero) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Sasaki Nanigashi. It began serialization in NOVA Comic GANMA! in May 2021. It has been serialized by HIFUMISHOBO since February 18, 2022. On May 18, 2023, sales of the fifth volume of the manga version surpassed 250,000 copies and on August 14 of the same year, the sixth volume surpassed 600,000.

10 years since he reincarnated in hellTakamichi is troubled. With the “Incubus” power unlocking further to become stronger by having sex with women but his growth peaked. “I’ll move to a new area, wait for me beautiful women of the new world!” Sexy & violent pretty girl battle fantasy

” Ten years since he reincarnated in hell… Takamichi is troubled. His “incubus” power becomes stronger by having sex with women, but his growth has peaked. “I’ll move to a new area and meet beautiful women of the new world!” This is a sexy, violent pretty girl battle fantasy ! “